Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Heygate Video

Found this video on Youtube (where else). Shot in 2003.


1 comment:

Johnny said...


Thanks so much for your blog - I'm really enjoying it, and looking forward to reading more soon. I'm a big fan of the Elephant, and find the Heygate fascinating. I'm often in two minds about regeneration (and I'm thinking of what's happened in New York here too - a new upscale hotel has just opened on the Bowery!)however, I hope that in this case it is beneficial for current residents as well as London as a whole.

I'm currently working on a novel about contemporary London, and am thinking of incorporating the Heygate somehow. If you have time, I'm love to find out more about your thoughts and experiences. Please email me on jf underscore lucas at yahoo dot co dot uk or call 07815 715 732
I look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards
