Thursday, 23 July 2009

Paint the Heygate

The person behind this has made his/ her site invite only (why?) since I last checked it a couple of days ago, but supposedly there is a campaign on to paint the heygate estate.

It was unclear from the site whether this would be the painting of the whole estate, one building - or perhaps just one flat - but it seems the organizer wants to bring in several renowned artists to 'paint the heygate'. 

From a letter, he/ she sent to Southwark Council:

I have six world renowned well known urban artists (local and overseas) who have told me personally that they want to come down to paint the Heygate and work with this local community. Imagine the possibilities.

They list this video by Sony Bravia as an inspiration . . . 


big brush said...

Hi fellow blogger,

I am said author of the 'Paint the Heygate' site. There are reasons for my more recent clandestine tactics but it's nothing underhand.

I only want good things to come of this and I believe that good things can come of this but only if people of the Heygate want it too. If they don't, I'll drop it tomorrow.

I realise the (ex)residence have suffered at the hands of the council. Your blog has been of great insight and support to my project.

I would love to discuss this with you in a bit more detail.

I feel we have common ground. Please email me at paintthe "at" if this is something that you want to do.


Big Brush.

HeygateLive said...

Hi Big Brush,

Thanks for your message - very interested in your project. Sent you an email a couple of days ago - did you get it?

